Love experimenting with new art techniques and supplies? So do I! Especially when I can do it for free. Sounds too good to be true? Anyone who shops online can do this. Read on to find out how. I do most of my shopping online these days — even groceries, so this method is a no-brainer for me.
Honey Gold
If you haven’t yet signed up for Honey, do it now. This service not only finds me discounts when I checkout for online purchases (testing out a variety of promo codes to come up with the best discount) it offers honey gold (that can be redeemed for online gift cards to use at your favorite stores). In a little over a year, I’ve received $50 for shopping with Honey and I still have more Honey Gold hoarded.

Honey has a relationship with most major stores (Michaels, Joann, Best Buy, Target, Home Depot, Kohl’s, Macy’s, Gamestop,, Nordstrom, etc.) so online shoppers can accrue Honey Gold points to redeem at a variety of stores. So far, I’ve redeemed them for Amazon promo codes because as a Prime member, I can buy art supplies with no minimum purchase or shipping fees. If you shop online, I highly recommend Honey. Sign up for honey rewards before you start your online Christmas shopping. The points will add up fast!

So far, I’ve used my Honey Gold to buy a 48-pack of Arteza alcohol ink brush pens, Speedball Linoleum Blocks, and I will soon buy some Speedball ink with hoarded Honey Gold. I haven’t done lino block printing since my early art school days when they encouraged us to explore a wide variety of art classes. Stay tuned. I’ll blog on the results of those experiments soon!
Full disclosure: This post contains some affiliate links. When you make a purchase through our Amazon links, we may receive a small commission that goes towards funding this website. There is NO additional cost to you, it just helps us continue to give you product reviews and cost-saving suggestions! It’s the best kind of win-win.
Ordering Free Art Supplies at Wish
I also pick up art supplies at on occasion. [Enter code cbhtrhlg if you decide to try and you’ll get 50% off if you sign up and use the code for your first purchase.] I received a professional ink brayer for free paying only $4 to ship it directly from the manufacturer in China. Wish is a great place to get art supplies like watercolor brushes, markers, sketchbooks, ink pens, and really funky graphic pencil cases (but also, pretty much everything you can imagine … and some things I could never have imagined).

Some of the items shipped can be a bit slow (I always opt for the standard shipping because I’m both patient and keen on getting a deal) and they arrive separately, but you’ll enjoy picking up your mail and seeing all the fun little packages that have made their way to you from across the world. I have not been disappointed with any of the items I have ordered from Wish so far except some animal-shaped “post-it-type” notes that were so. not. sticky. Check Wish out. If nothing else, it will give you a good giggle (and the more you shop on there, the more free items and discounts you’ll get).
I also ordered fine liner ink pens and Speedball nibs and holders from Wish before and during #Inktober. Learn more about Inktober and see some of my pen and ink drawings in this post: I just completed Inktober!

These experimental supplies are things I normally wouldn’t purchase, but since I know that I’m not really investing any of my own cash in the art experiments, I feel even more unleashed to explore without fear of wasting supplies. Somehow, it’s easier for me to play freely when I feel “expensive” art supplies aren’t at stake. I’m sure there are a few of you that can relate to this quirk. There is nothing to lose, so we just go for it!
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and see what I do with the linoleum block printing supplies!
I hope you’ll try this easy method of getting free art supplies! Honey Gold will save you money when you shop online and reward you again as points accrue. Wish offers free items and greater discounts the more you shop. If you cash in on art supplies to experiment with, comment below and let me know what supplies and projects you tried. Happy shopping and creating!

© Lauren Lynch and, 2019. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Lauren Lynch and with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.
I also love ordering from wish but haven’t tried getting art supplies from there before. I’ll have to check it out!
Definitely! I’ve been really happy with everything I’ve received so far. You can even find Copic markers on Wish 🙂